
South Africa: IRP5 reminder

Just a quick reminder to the South African employees and employers:
IRP5 certificates are due within 60 days after the tax year end. Therefore it means that your employer must furnish you as employee with your IRP5 certificate by the 29th of April.

-Paragraph 13(2) of the 4th Schedule of the Income Tax Act no 58 of 1962 (as amended)


Two links

This is a short post regarding two interesting things are read recently:

Changing a CaseWare client-file name
If you are like me and hate it when the name of a file/folder is wrong or deceiving you are in luck that it is possible to change it. It isn't however as easy as you would like it to be.

Essentially you have to create a new CaseWare client file. Here is how you do it:

  1. Open the client file of which you want to change the name.
  2. File > Copy components (Named copy template in CaseWare Working Papers 2010)
  3. Select the "Copy into a new file" option.
  4. Enter the new correct client file name
  5. Make sure that the "All components" radio button is selected.
  6. Next, Next, Finish.
Note the above procedure might differ slightly with CaseWare Working Papers 2010.

The above info was obtained from http://www.caseware.com/support/caseknowledge/renaming-a-client-file.

Informative blog - Nicolaas van Wyk
When researching ISRE 2400 and Independent Reviews I happended upon a really informative blog. The information contained in his blog mostly pertains to the South African legislative environment relating to audit, tax and recent company law changes.

The blog is maintained by the Technical Support Executive of ACCA (South Africa), which is comforting to know that it contains quality information.

You can access Nicolaas van Wyk's blog here at http://nicolaasvanwyk.wordpress.com/.